1) Finding your Niche
Starting a blog based on a hobby is always a fun idea, especially one that is as diverse as video games. However, everyone seems to have their own gaming blog, streaming channel, or place to review games. How can you make yours stand out amongst the sea of gamers trying to make their voices heard?
One way you can do so is to find your niche. Focusing your blog on gaming as a whole can make your blog drown in obscurity. By narrowing your focus, you can appeal to more people. A smaller niche may have a smaller audience, but with less competition, you’re not struggling to reach an audience.
You can choose to focus on a specific console brand, such as PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo. You can choose to play retro games. Your blog can focus on reviewing or playing games, or posting about gaming news and speculation.
Think about a niche and try to narrow it down. Then, search it on Google Trends. Does your niche have a consistent or rising interest? Great. If your niche is falling or has no interest, you may want to broaden it a bit.
2) Think of a unique blog name and create your website
Now comes the fun part, creating your blog name. We suggest a name that’s short, sweet and is relevant to your audience. Some names for a gaming blog could be: Gaming Guru, PC Player, or if you’re still stuck try using our blog name generator for some inspiration.
Once you have a blog name in mind, it’s time to get your website set up. Don’t worry, this is much easier than it sounds and can be easily done in less than an hour! Checkout our full guide on the best and easiest way to setup a WordPress blog here.
We suggest going with BlueHost to host your website as they have a easy one-click WordPress installation tool, you can get 60% Off hosting and a free domain name here.
3) Get the essentials
A gaming blog does require you to own quite a bit of equipment. Obviously, you want to own video games and some consoles/a gaming PC. If you’re a review blog, you’ll want to buy the latest games ASAP.
If you plan on streaming games, vlogging, or even podcasting you’ll need a good camera and a mic. You’ll also need faster Internet and often, a capture card. This can be a bit of an investment at first. For the camera, you don’t need to spend a ridiculous amount, but buy a decent enough camera.
Not to mention, you’ll need to pay to fix or replace equipment if it fails.
Finally, start up some social media pages for your gaming blog. More on that in a second.
What content do gaming bloggers create?
Gaming bloggers have plenty of content they can choose from. They can be game reviewers, reviewing the latest games and hardware. As games are pricey, many people will want to hear from others before they buy the latest game. Gaming bloggers are often streamers, recording themselves playing and reacting to games. Retro gaming bloggers focus on hardware and games from the ’80s-’90s. You can be a gaming repair blog that shows how to fix old consoles.
Not to mention, independent gaming journalism is on the rise. Talking about the latest gaming news and speculation is always popular, but as we said before, you may want to narrow your focus. These can come in the form of articles, vlogs, or podcasts.
We can’t fail to mention esports. Competitive games such as Fortnite, Overwatch, Smash Bros, Street Fighter, are all the rage. People love watching competition, and you can make some serious money off it.
Create engaging and relevant content
To be a good gaming blogger, you’ll need content that is engaging. For example, if you’re a streamer, you’ll want to have something to say and react to. You don’t want to be someone who has little commentary. If you’re a reviewer, you’ll want to go into the deep details, explaining why you like or dislike a game.
Also, your content needs to be relevant. When the latest game comes out, you’ll need to be one of the first to review it and offer your thoughts. Reviewing a game that is a month old often doesn’t work.
One way you can help improve your craft is to read, watch, or listen to other gaming content. Find out what you like about them and try to change it up to suit your own style. If there are aspects that need improvement, offer a better product than the competition.
Just remember to find your own voice. Do you want to be informative and dry? An angry gamer? Decide a voice and stick with it.
How to grow your traffic
Even if your content is good, you’ll still need to make an effort to get the word out. There are many ways you can do so, including:
Collaboration. Find a gaming blog that has the same audience as you and offer a collaboration. Some gamers wouldn’t mind having a player 2 to help them make blog posts, play games together, and help review a game or speculate on gaming news. This can help both parties gain a bigger audience.
Optimize your website. Use the right keywords, tweak it to meet better SEO requirements. If you’re streaming, use good tags. A third party may be able to help you with this aspect.
Engage with your audience. If you’re streaming, talk with people who leave comments. Answer emails and comments. You don’t have to talk with every single person, but try to talk to some.
Advertise on Facebook, or buy a small ad. Don’t feel bad promoting your content. Ads are needed.
Try to be on top of the competition. Be the first to review or play a new game. When people are searching for the new game, your content will be one of the first they see.